Dot Online offers marketing and internet consultancy with over 20 years of international experience. We offer services such as writing and implementing CRM strategies, direct mail and email campaigns, market research, communication, and internet marketing.
Content Management System - Content Marketing
We specialise in website design, E-commerce, CRM, Internet marketing and search marketing including search engine optimisation (SEO). We use one of the world's leading content management systems (CMS) for small and medium enterprises: Joomla!, a free Open Source platform.

E-Commerce - Webshops
For E-commerce projects we often use VirtueMart. A widely implemented Open Source E-Commerce solution used together with Joomla!. Its powerful features can be used almost immediately by a store owner or web developer with NO programming experience because most parts of VirtueMart is using easy forms. A VirtueMart store can be ready to take orders soon after installation. All you have to do is have it installed, select a Joomla template from the many free or low-cost template sites, add your product descriptions and photos, click a few settings, and you are ready to begin accepting orders.

CRM - Customer Relationship Management
With CiviCRM we help organizations grow and sustain strong relationships over time. CiviCRM is a web-based, open-source, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software geared toward meeting the needs of non-profit and other civic-sector organizations. To this end, CiviCRM has created a robust web-based, open-source, highly customizable, CRM to meet organizations' highest expectations right out of the box. Provided a powerful feature set, organizations realize their mission via CiviCRM through contact management, fundraising, event management, member management, mass e-mail marketing, peer-to-peer campaigns, case management, and much more.

E-learning - Virtual learning environment
Dot Online fourth specialism is implementing Moodle. Moodle is the world's leading open-source virtual learning environment. It is free, Open Source software designed specifically to help educators or businesses create truly effective online learning communities. It can scale from a single-teacher website to a university or business with thousands of users.

"Your website is the most important sales tool you have available
to grow your business online and offline."
For a free website appraisal send us an email.